The plan has 3 objectives:
Prepare for the integration of genomic medicine into the routine care pathway and the management of pathologies. This involves guaranteeing access to genomic medicine for patients who need it, whether they have cancer, a rare disease, or ultimately a common disease.
Establish a national sector of genomic medicine serving patients, capable of being a lever for scientific and technological innovation, industrial development and economic growth.
Place France at the forefront of large countries engaged in personalized medicine, with a capacity to export the know-how of our medical and industrial sector in genomic medicine.

The plan takes into account 4 major issues :
Genomic medicine is revolutionizing the patient care pathway. Routine genome sequencing will allow patients to receive more personalized diagnostic and therapeutic care. This will initially concern patients affected by rare diseases or cancers, then ultimately, patients suffering from common diseases.
This involves strengthening the chain from the exploration of pathologies to the therapeutic benefit for the patient.
New technologies are expected to converge with life and health sciences. The ability to acquire, store, distribute, match, and interpret this massive and multiple data is at the heart of this convergence.
Finally, the issue is economic, both in terms of cost for our healthcare system, but also the opportunity for the development of a new industrial sector.